says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

we're growing a dino in there.....

as lil man would say, "how silly is that."
home with the kiddos today. as much as I do love the human contact of my part-time job, I do often miss being a stay at home mama around the clock.
Got up and excercised again today, that is two mornings in a row, I am commited to getting back into pre-baby shape.
Just looking forward to the warmer days when I can excercise with the kiddos too, walking outside will be great.

Nin, love your new pics of your trip...'specially gracie in the great outdoors. beautiful!

Will probably be a quiet day indoors today, a few errands if it warms up at all...
maybe a project or two to complete, we shall see....

hugs and hot cocoa kisses to you all, A