says who

My photo
crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it's okay.

to just be.

to pause and feel the cool air between your toes...

to spend whole days staring into these eyes....

to give up some of the control...

to ask for help...

to say no...because we cant do it all...or even close...

to crave sunshine so much it hurts...

to let your eyes rest....

to daydream through an entire day...

to have more love in your life than you know what to do with....

to pay to0 much for coffee because it feels good to have a routine that NOBODY can mess with...

to wear flip flops in the rain...

to clean the house just enough....

to make mistakes...

to forgive yourself for those mistakes...

to learn from them...

to love these beans so much that nothing else matters...

to buck the system...just a little...

to dream big...

to let music fuel your days...

to listen to the same song OVER and over and over...

to roll the windows down and sing so loud your throat gets sore....

to make goodness happen with paint, and heart and soul and snap shots of every moment that strikes you...

to open your eyes....

...and see the little magic hidden all around you...

it is there...

....and it is okay....

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


the universe sends you a message...


or you may miss it....


Sunday, April 03, 2011


love to go around....

spring is bringing up smiles and lovins all around...

there are happy beans...and marshmallows...and bare toes...and chilly noses.....

and goodz all around....

we got plenty...

want some?

seriously...this family loves to share...
