says who

My photo
crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

what in heck?

t's new thing.  what in heck.  she doesn't get that her new room is up in this space but just keeps asking bry why he "put a house up top our house?"

the kiddos are's been a rocky summer, as we have been really trying to stay out of the big guys way while he busts out this monster project.

and people have been so so generous with their time, coming over when they get off work, or have days off, or any bit of free time, to help hubs hoist something, or nail a few shingles, or offer moral support...

it does seem that since we ripped the roof off, it has rained five out of seven days, and in fact i believe i heard that this is the wettest summer since 1977 or something ridiculous like that.  that being said, hubs has done a great job of keeping his head up and moving forward here in tarpsville.  

*the beast

a quick break

and back at work.

honestly, i feel so blessed to have people in our lives to help us....people that are busy, and who still make time, even a customer of my folks has been helping because he has summers off and is bored....AMAZING i tell yah!

the kids and i have been packing up and heading to the beach for endless hours and days on end of playing in the sun, and soaking in the salt water...auntie max has let us set up camp, and minus benji's sleep stand-off, all went amazingly i thank her so so much for putting up with everything from 6 am wake-ups, to me roasting marshmallows on forks with lighters out of sheer rock  - and we wil be back in a few ;)

we are back home for a bit, as M has camp next week, and i thought it may be time to come home and mess up our own space for awhile.  

anyhow, there are two beans rolling around on top of each other, and one referee-ing, which is not going to end - be back soon with further updates...

hope your all basking in the pouring rain and soaking in the lighting, or something new england-ish like that.

peace out,


Saturday, July 25, 2009


*so much love and pics to share,

but we are away for the weekend at a dear friends wedding....followed by a bed and breakfast for hubs and i....

hope you are all rockin' summer.

love and sunshine,


Thursday, July 09, 2009


*spoiler alert.  if you knew me when i was 4, this may bug you out.....

check it....

READY ???? 

Wait for it.......

there it is.


and i have the pics to prove it.

girl is the spitting image of her mama.


hope your all tremendous, and stay posted for more house goodness tomorrow.

xo, a

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


here is the start of the big PROJECT...

things are underway, and at some point in the near future....there will be more upstairs in this pic....

should be interesting.

benji keeps telling people that daddy is breaking mommy's house...benji rocks my world.

if you are around and are wanting to join in the nail bangin' hammer swingin' fun....just let us know....

peace out...

xo, a

Friday, July 03, 2009

happy 4th!

hope your holidays are wonder-filled!

peace out peeps...

xo, a

and p.s.  thanks for all your notes boosting me up...sometimes a mama has a funky day here and there....but with beans like this, well, you get it...