her smile makes my day.
We have been great here, just a bit busy. Chad and Steve came for a much needed visit yesterday, and I have to say, the feeling you get of comfort from visiting with old friends, just doesn't compare. Sharing old memories, and laughing....together. Joyous.
The kiddos are great, right now, Myles is camped out watching the plumber work(who arrived at 7:15), and telling him all about his tools and he keeps telling the man, "wow, you are a hard working man..." he is too flipping sweet.
T-bo is fast asleep, I don't remember the last time she slept past 6:00, I swear as a mama, I signed a waiver while still in awe of these babies at the hospital, stating I would never again sleep more than 5 hours in a stretch. Nuts how you just adjust to it.
The weather is starting to get spring like which is so wonderful, this little boy cannot wait to get outside and run all day long. This mama cannot wait either, to get a garden going and get her excercise on in the great outdoors.
hugs, and spring-time sunshine to you all,