says who

My photo
crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Friday, March 24, 2006

having a hormonal day here....
overall just not in a great mood. nothing in particular and everything in between...
have been feeling anxious about a project at school and still a bit of stomach icky from that bug - and how interesting that when you have had two babies in three years and then you aren't feeling well EVERYONE and their great aunts are SURE that you are expecting again...

my bubbies are good today. stir crazy still as we are just anxiously awaiting some sun....
we took a nice trip to the garden store nearby and found some wonderful pots on markdown...and bought a beautiful hoya to hang in the new bathroom....

all else is quiet....hugs and sunshine to you all...

oh, and the final result, was

Thursday, March 23, 2006

exhausted.....and in love

Been another long day...

night nights y'all.....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

hmmmm.....spring my @##....

hey is snowing here this morning, not sure how I feel about it, other than I think I might just jack up the heat, open the windows and "spring clean," the house anyway. I waaaaaaaaannnnnnt SPRING to come already.

kiddos are well on the mend here, I am still a bit off, but will get there soon I am sure.(how could I not with that smile in my midst??!?) Myles and I played outside for a bit yesterday, just to get some fresh air. I had been in the house with Tea baby for SEVEN days. I was catching just a bit of stir crazy.

bathroom is well under way, bry tiled the floor yesterday, and it looks delightful. 1 room at a time, and this house is coming together. The deck goes up in about a week and a half, I think that is what I am most excited about!

OH, and....***there is a birthday party in the making***!!!

hugs to you all.


Monday, March 20, 2006

happy spring

oh my goodness, for starters, happy spring to you all. we are STILL battling this doozy of a virus at my house. Hubby got it on saturday night and was down ALL DAY on sunday. I still feel awful, but am fighting it like the plague, as I just wanna be DONE with it.

on other fronts, Nin, what a wonderful surprise that is, for you and yours, I am thrilled for you all. Huge thanks for my virtual latte, as nobody here stepped it up...;} I realize, I have not yet sent you your giftie fun, I promise, just waiting for the warm weather....also, in talks of a trip to in??

missed grey's last night...anybody watch it??

dooby, we have lost you in virtual cyber world - what happened, you appear to have been me, we so loved seeing you.

hugs to all, and happy spring, much love, A

Friday, March 17, 2006


We have been visited yet again by a horrible case of the sickies...
3 solid days of explosive diapers and spit-ups....YUCK.

I cannot believe as a mama how much it pains me to see my babies hurting. T-bo threw up to the point we debated taking her in to the childrens hospital...but alas, this morning she awoke with a smile for the first time in three days. It warmed my soul.

Lil man slept for 12 hours, yes folks, I said 12 hours....amazing, his lil body must be fighting like hell to beat this bug.

I am home for the day, couldn't leave my babies in this state to care for somebody elses healthy kiddos....
nin - I love the skirt, and where did you score those clogs, I have the same pair and I wanna get lil man a pair, and maybe some for baby T as well....

happy st. pattys day, could somebody please bring me a LATTE!!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

visiting with pals

her smile makes my day.

We have been great here, just a bit busy. Chad and Steve came for a much needed visit yesterday, and I have to say, the feeling you get of comfort from visiting with old friends, just doesn't compare. Sharing old memories, and laughing....together. Joyous.

The kiddos are great, right now, Myles is camped out watching the plumber work(who arrived at 7:15), and telling him all about his tools and he keeps telling the man, "wow, you are a hard working man..." he is too flipping sweet.

T-bo is fast asleep, I don't remember the last time she slept past 6:00, I swear as a mama, I signed a waiver while still in awe of these babies at the hospital, stating I would never again sleep more than 5 hours in a stretch. Nuts how you just adjust to it.

The weather is starting to get spring like which is so wonderful, this little boy cannot wait to get outside and run all day long. This mama cannot wait either, to get a garden going and get her excercise on in the great outdoors.

hugs, and spring-time sunshine to you all,


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

we're growing a dino in there.....

as lil man would say, "how silly is that."
home with the kiddos today. as much as I do love the human contact of my part-time job, I do often miss being a stay at home mama around the clock.
Got up and excercised again today, that is two mornings in a row, I am commited to getting back into pre-baby shape.
Just looking forward to the warmer days when I can excercise with the kiddos too, walking outside will be great.

Nin, love your new pics of your trip...'specially gracie in the great outdoors. beautiful!

Will probably be a quiet day indoors today, a few errands if it warms up at all...
maybe a project or two to complete, we shall see....

hugs and hot cocoa kisses to you all, A