uhm, so so so sold, on this biz....
i have been wanting to "go green" for awhile, but in july, when the biggest bean had his second surgery, i tried a green smoothie, that convinced me hands down, to NEVER mess with that shit EVER again...
that being said, i have been reading so much about this green smoothie monster madness, that i decided to give it a go...in my kitchen of dreams, so last night late night, post holiday chaos, and an AMAZING new years, i hit the grocery store, and i swear, i had more veggies and fruits in my cart than i have EVER bought in one stretch....spinach, red leaf lettuce, KALE...??, apples - 3 different kinds, cukes, grapefruits, mangos, bananas (SO MANY), strawberries, and grapes...and and and, and I EVEN FOUND THESE WAY COOL SMOOTHIE STRAWS!! go ahead and judge, they are NOT enviro friendly blah blah blah, BUT, they areWAY COOL colors, and my beans totally dig em...AND that matters more.
and i could barely sleep because i was SO excited to give this smoothie thing a REAL go....
and DAMN...i loved, the beans LOVED, (there is no pic of the biggest bean, because he is like a teenager and sleeps all morning,) but trust, that when he woke up, he devoured his greenie as well...
today we rocked it like this...
2 bananas.
TONS o' spinach.
some frozen mango.
ice and 2 cups of water.
cannot wait for the next batch...im thinkin some cukes and red leaf lettuce....its good shit y'all...try it...for REAL.
sending happy green vibes out there from mine to yours...