says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

winter roundup....

not gonna front...we are rockin some winter lovins here, but to be totally straight up, they begin AND end with hockey.

other than that, we have our eyes on the prize...i think we talk, and plan, and strategize DAILY about the absolute fastest way to get ourselves to the sand and sun...and this mama is STILL rockin' some totally smokin' cleavage tan lines, which make me smile. theory, all is well... (and/or i spend TOO much time baking in the summer, because it is almost february....)

so, despite the winterness, even though it has been mild for this time of year, i still kinda hate on winter, and am fairly certain i am suffering from post.traumatic.2011.winter.syndrome. BUT, i am finding lots of goodz still, and am grateful for that...

*lovin on KALE. seriously, KALE is amazing...and for some f-ed up reason i feel the need to capitalize like, KALE damnit! but really, maybe it should be capitalized, because damn...that shit is AMAZING. i make KALE chips on the regular, and have totally be known to rock a KALE smoothie several times a week...yes, for real.

*avocados are the new butter....or cheese....or whatever else you normally use as a spread....i have always had mad love for avocados...but now, i am straight up obsessed...not gonna go get an avocado tattoo or anything, but still...(i may get a KALE! tat though...i hot right?)

* and carrot juice.
* and beanie snuggle time
* and wednesday ice skating with just benji
* and the giant eyesore of a hockey rink in our FRONT yard, that totally makes me smile, AND how many people smile when they drive by and the whole crew is out tearing up the ice....people DIG hockey....and we so do too...
* a mama HOCKEY team..uhm AWESOME? yeah...i am beyond excited about this new development...just sayin.
*and black eyed peas...the beans, not the band...
*and boodah butter lotion...holy amazingness.
*and letting things go....exhaling and not fretting about the petty shit.
*and cacao...this powder is like speed...for real. whole house clean in one hour for real...
*and hot showers.
*, just and...that there IS an and....that i feel like even when things aren't perfect,(which they NEVER are, and we would so not want them to be...) they are still really good...and that is just good shit man. it just is.


Monday, January 09, 2012

*amazingness in a jar*

wishin' a little, that i could bottle up amazing. here is just that....

i feel refreshed...
i feel full...
i feel like i need a sponge to soak up all the amazingness that is *life*...
i feel blessed.....
i feel DEEP happiness....
i feel determined...
i feel comfortable....
i feel radiating love...
i feel *bliss*
i feel like there is magical moments all around, and if my eyes are open, and my heart is ready, there they are...
i feel like my world is makin' a whole lot of sense to me....
i feel a being...every fiber of my is a strange, but REALLY good feeling...
i feel like every day is the kind of awesome like when you first discovered fireflies on a summer night and that dandelions you can blow in to the sun shine filled air are so damn cool....

***and it has been SO long, since i have felt these feelings, and come hell or high water....i'm holding on for dear life...***

there is so much going on in our little magical bean much madness, and chaos, and magic, and love, and i swear, i did not start self medicating...(maybe i should, but that is probably a conversation for another date)...its just just IS.

we are immersed in *life* over here right now, and SO high on it...and people, it is amazing...and i feel like i have permagrin....and it is such a soulwarming awesome feeling.


Monday, January 02, 2012



uhm, so so so sold, on this biz....

i have been wanting to "go green" for awhile, but in july, when the biggest bean had his second surgery, i tried a green smoothie, that convinced me hands down, to NEVER mess with that shit EVER again...

that being said, i have been reading so much about this green smoothie monster madness, that i decided to give it a my kitchen of dreams, so last night late night, post holiday chaos, and an AMAZING new years, i hit the grocery store, and i swear, i had more veggies and fruits in my cart than i have EVER bought in one stretch....spinach, red leaf lettuce, KALE...??, apples - 3 different kinds, cukes, grapefruits, mangos, bananas (SO MANY), strawberries, and grapes...and and and, and I EVEN FOUND THESE WAY COOL SMOOTHIE STRAWS!! go ahead and judge, they are NOT enviro friendly blah blah blah, BUT, they areWAY COOL colors, and my beans totally dig em...AND that matters more.

and i could barely sleep because i was SO excited to give this smoothie thing a REAL go....

and DAMN...i loved, the beans LOVED, (there is no pic of the biggest bean, because he is like a teenager and sleeps all morning,) but trust, that when he woke up, he devoured his greenie as well...

today we rocked it like this...

2 bananas.
TONS o' spinach.
some frozen mango.
ice and 2 cups of water.

cannot wait for the next thinkin some cukes and red leaf lettuce....its good shit y'all...try it...for REAL.

sending happy green vibes out there from mine to yours...

Sunday, January 01, 2012


i am welcoming 2012 with open arms. 2011 kicked my ass. it dragged me into some of the lowest lows ever...but its dunzo...and i cried. straight up. i teared up at 10 am this morning, remembering how f*ing TERRIBLE 2011 was, and how at 10 am one year ago, m broke his femur and my world, our world, was in upheaval...but yah know what...i realized as i shed a tear, that it was not because i was reminiscing about the sheer suckage of it all, but rather that we survived it. we did. and now it is so done, and we can move day at a time...

so today...
my eyes are wide open...

* the sunlight is streaming down...
* 5 of my favorite beans are playing in the yard...
* 2 of my favorite guys are chopping wood...and i am overcome with a feeling of home with every crack of the wood being split...

*it is is close to 60, the sunlight is kissing my face...and it is AMAZING

* my coffee tastes like heaven in a mug...

* there are birds chirping all around...

* my heart is happy...and way filled up and brimming over...

we could all be....richer,thinner,prettier,stronger,faster,smarter,healthier,happier, nicer, better at something and if not that than something else peeps, but im NOT going there...we ARE, who we are, and i am filled up on the amazingness of, i'm in 2012. thats it. i AM. period.

2012...lets be here. lets be now. lets just BE. and love up on every moment of that.

*happy new year y'all...