says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Friday, January 11, 2008

this is what tired looks like

so the sleep thing was a fluke. it worked for one night, before benji discovered the little man was sleeping just a few feet away from him, and now he wakes up and screams in his face instead of mine. no dice. so, it's back to the drawing board for us. he is also sprouting teeth like it is nobodys business, which is NOT helping.

i am at a loss. M was a stubborn baby. but this is a mess. the boy will not drink out of a bottle, or a sippy cup. he ONLY wants to nurse. and he bites. alot. GREAT. so, he will be a year - in just 3 weeks, and he still is up FIVE times a night to nurse. UN*STINKIN* BELIEVABLE. i am going to be nursing this child before he takes his driving test.

any ideas???

other than the obvious sleep/teeth debacle all is well. we have returned to making the daily trek to the gym, and it feels good to be exercising again. i am all sort of sore, and glad to be. Plus, i am so tired that it seems to be giving me more energy to get moving. T and benji usually join me while the biggest bean is at school - everyday when we leave, she lets me know she "had a freakin' great time."

so glad.

the beans are good. they loved it up outside during all the beautiful days we were given, and are making the transition back to the indoors fairly well. today is movie day, so we will pop some popcorn, and hang. M has informed me he neeeeeeeeds to spend the day on the couch today because he is busy laying eggs. not sure what that will entail, but I will keep you posted.

some words of wisdom:

today at drop off, one of the mom's relayed a story from earlier in the week when her husband was the helping parent at school...

the class was having circle time and there was a discussion about somebody having a red nose. when the teacher pursued this and asked the children why somebody might have a red nose, my rockstar busted out with,

