says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

wednesday ramblings.....

morning all, and my apologies for not posting since the 8th,
holy chaos, I cannot believe it has been that long. Here all is well,
no baby yet, but one crazy mama and two anxious kiddos, and a wholelotta
peeps taking bets on the just FYI, today is the first day in
the pool of dates and it goes to Pa, if he is right - oh and HAPPY
BIRTHDAY DAD! Dad/Pa is celebrating today, and tonight we will do eats
over at our place as the temp is gonna be in the single stinkin' digits, and way too cold for the little ones to venture out in....

a bit busy here, as I am on the executive board at the preschool, and
it just so happens that registration happens as this pregnancy comes to
a close, and I am the membership chairperson...PROBABLY the most
official title I will ever have, and perhaps the most paperwork I will
ever do! Oh well, a Co-op is a Co-op is a Co-op right!

I am also buried to my ears in lesson plans galore for my substitute, and just crossing my fingers to be able to at least get MOST of them done for her....uh, yeah right. SO SO SO much to do.

Lil man, who is uhm, not really so little anymore,
started swimming lessons with Pa on Sunday, and in his own words,"I had
a little trouble in the water.." apparently we still need to work on
keeping our mouths shut in the water, but I have no worries, he will
get there, and is thrilled to go back this weekend.

So besides a bit of rambling, not much has
been going on, just been working away here and am looking forward to
some chill time. A doc's appointment today and just waiting to hear
what's going on, I have such mixed feelings, as I am sort of at that
state that I am ready to be done being pregnant, but at the same time,
I am going to miss this big ole belly and watching the little guy
chilling in there. We are definitely done makin ' babies, so this will
be the last pregnancy for me, and I just have such mixed feelings about
moving on from this stage in my life. If money grew on trees, and it
wasn't so freaking expensive to raise kids, I would have a dozen, but
there is no way for us to provide adequately for more than this, and to
give them the good life and help with there educations, and blah, blah,
blah, blah.....

SO, enough sentimental business, we will see
what the doc has to say, and on from there. Anyhow, gonna go clean this
house so Pa can chill and have his B-day dinner of Thai/ Sushi, and
Pastries from the Italian District tonight...
So, Cheers to Pa, a
night of yummy food and good company, and maybe even some chill time
with the friends this weekend, but we shall see what the weekends

hugs all. A

Nin, I seriously heart the shirts that you are
making, and wanna have a girlie gathering that you can teach me, I
wanna do some long sleeve onesies! Miss you something fierce and intend to do some doula begging today at the docs office. Wish me luck!

miss you after our spoilage of two weekends in a row....don't know
about your mugs, but let me just tell you how worth it my lip gloss
treats were....LOVE THEM.

DOOBY.....SO looking forward to hangin.

BROOKE....if you are still reading this, I hope you and Ryan are
fabulous, and I would love to get together soon....I am so sorry that
this have been to hectic to make any solid plans....saw M last night
and she too would like to maybe get together, so let's put out heads
together and make something work, you are welcome to come here and the
boys and T can tear up the house together!

hugs all, A