a mama to three amazing lil people... who remind me every day that the world is just a better place -if we look at it through rose colored glasses...
says who
- *the mama
- crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
feeling out of touch....an update and a truck load of shout outs....
hey all,
Courtesy of Pa and Mimi, Lil man has been trying all sorts of new fun things, with Pa in tow, and so far skating takes the cake over swimming, although, not so sure Pa, or Pa's back would agree, as lil man sort of just hangs in Pa's arms while Pa pushes him around. It is insanely funny to watch though! Looking forward to being able to join them, although at this stage in the pregnancy I DON"T DARE put on skates.
T-bo is a trooper, in spite of an ear infection, she has just been a bit fussy, and the chances are that an outsider would not have even known she was uncomfortable, she is just acting overtired. She is very anxious about "benji-ben" though, and has begun demanding him to come out...."out benji-ben, come out NOW!" and when you ask her when he's coming she will get a very dreamy look in her eyes and say soo sweetly..."coming sooooon...."
in other news, I am officially done with work...can't kick this head cold, and my prinipal finally said, throw in the towel girl! So I am, officially, now home to hang and rest and CLEAN....I don't think I could have motivated myself into work clothes at this point anyway, not that I haven't been wearing fleece pants to work for almost a month, because indeed I have....if you have seen me you - you understand!
a massive thanks to carrie and mindy though, who have sworn to me that I look fabulous - I do so appreciate the compliment, whether it is true or not, as if you have ever been preggers, the last 2 weeks DO NOT feel glamourous. Though I don't feel bad, just nice to hear!
anyhow, gonna go pick up some more toys off the floor, scrub some floors and then spend the morning hangin' out....
still here, and no baby yet, which is fine by me, as the rest of the babes are sick and I would be worried to insane levels about them if I weren't here to care for them myself! T officially has her first ear infection that we are dealing with, (my first as a mama too, M has never had one....KNOCK ON WOOD,) and the kidlets and I have had just a nasty head/chest cold going on, sooooo, I am taking some down time, to nest, to chill, to sip tea, and hopefully kick this before the labor pains kick in.....
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hugs to you ALL...
A load of Shout outs....to those I haven't been able to catch up with -
Fania - post it girl, I am reading....and this weekend would be lovely if everyone is healthy!
Max - we are so proud of you, and I heart the book/box you made us, it is insanely beautiful...
Brooke, we will indeed hang ASAP. Once these kiddies are healthy! Sorry I couldn't join the girls, but I was wiped out....miss you and we will lunch soon!
Matt...feel better, we are rooting for you and hoping that healing comes QUICK...if we can do anything at all chaffer - CALL US....
K.E.A - Welcome out of LURKEVILLE...it is always such a nice surprise to have acomment from an unexpected source!
NINA------I am tired, need mama time with you soon. Hope your kiddies are fabulous, and just so you know, you inspire me....
MOM & DAD - thanks always for the help and support. we would be truly lost with out you both.
B& S, it was so nice to see you, and to chat. I can't wait to spend some more Q.T with you when lil ben arrives.
Chels, sorry we haven't been able to connect. Phone is tough with two fussies over here, but I have been thinking about you, and I love you and hope all is fabulous out yonder....
okay, now that I feel like I am writting a yearbook entry....
All my love y'all......A
p.s. any good rec's on some new teas??? Bry and I have been dropping the coffee as is stomach can't handle it, and I have just plain been diggin' the decaf teas....send those rec's my way!!