says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Monday, December 04, 2006

keepin' it real....

so december has arrived and I am less than enthusiastic, I feel like this time of year is so full of errands, to do lists, obligations, obligations and more obligations....

SO, how to battle these winter blahs...

I am trying to spend this year focusing on what is important, what makes me smile, doing the things I want to do, and what is best for our family, not necesarily what pleases everyone else...

so in the spirit...I am making my OWN list

gonna wanna do list:

*gonna curl up with some sweet decaf at night by the fire, while I work on the holiday cards(which will probably inevitabley be late)

*gonna not spend the whole day everyday running around and picking up the kiddos toys that will be back on the floor in 5 minutes...and I am not gonna stress abot what people think of this when they come over to my house...

*gonna not feel obligated to spend a fortune on gifts for people that we rarely see anyway, and going to try and make everyone else remember that it is not STINKING about the gifts and the amount of money you spend, rather the thought that goes into it and the love behind it....

*gonna marvel in my kids faces as they experience all the joys of the holiday season, like making gingerbread men, which lil man will LOVE, and eating them, which T-bo will cherish...

*gonna get lost on my book everynight before bed while I curl up by my snoring husband, and remember how lucky I am to have such a wonderful man in my life...

*gonna bake lots of treats for lots of folks and make homemade gifties and I am gonna pretend that people are happy to get them, because that's what I want to do....

*gonna ignore all the irritating statements about how stinkin' huge my belly is...helllloooo, I cannot move, obviously I am aware of it...and I am gonna cherish every little movement that this lil man makes inside me, as I think he will maybe probably *maybe* be the last little one that I carry...

*gonna be outside in the fresh crisp air as much as humanly possible...

*gonna light candles everynight so I can hear the little guys say "HAPPY CANDLELIGHT!"

*gonna stop letting the little things make me crazy....gonna just remember that they are just little things, and they don't matter, so just ignore them all together!

*gonna stop letting the nasty, unhelpful, attitude-ridden sales people everywhere I go drag me down...and remember that they to have lots on their plates...

*gonna love, gonna live, gonna be grateful, thankful and content...THE WHOLE SEASON....just like I am able to do easily the rest of the year....and remember what matters most....

What are you gonna do....