well, they are upon us, and so far so good. I am exhausted, had an ultrasound today, and guess what, the little guy only weighs in at about 4 lbs. right now, not the 30 or so that I had estimated, so I guess, I am indeed the one packing on the pounds, not the baby! Hence the exhaustion, lots of weight, little frame, SOOOO stinking tired. Oh yeah, and the other two children.... :-)

this is little T's view on a regular basis...poor kid. She is so excited, and regularly puts her little hands all over the belly and says "MOOOOOVE Benjiben!!!!" (Benjamin is not in her vocab...but I stinkin' love benjiben, and may even call him that for kicks...no mom, not really.

no complaints though. everything looks great, and estimating the little man to arrrive in the begining of feb, sometime.....I would post more pics, but hmmm....
the kiddies are good, M insists on rehanging the ornaments on the tree all day long, a tradition he has deamed "decoration days" and is absolutely thrilled to light the harmonica candles, if only harmonica would hurry up and get here!

Just a few more days little guy. I promise!
anyhow, I hope you are all fairing the season well, and I look forward to seeing all your sunshiney faces sooo soon.
much love, and happy holidays....A
p.s. nin, I have been reading faithfully, but blogger will not let me leave you comments....urghhh, so irritating. So miss you love you, and hope to see you soon...
randi, thanks for the comment, so glad you finally left one. how are your holidays so far....do we have a WH gathering in the works for over X-mas??
SC - sorry we couldn't work it, lets shoot for after x-mas before new years....but maybe a girlie gathering in the meantime??
and SE...so glad you had a nice time, x-mas???
chel, see you soooo soon!