well folks, it's come, gone, and done....and on to January. I have to say, though, the holiday time fared rather well, and now we can settle down, and get back to the everyday appreciations, and lovins, and a bit less chaos....
We had a nice quiet x-mas morn' here, chock full of handmade wrappins', waffles, strawberries, and giftin'. The kids got some fun stuff, and yes, this mama wrapped up the new snow pants and socks, and needed items as well, not that it ever snows in these parts....:)The kidlets seemed to enjoy themselves, and hubs spoiled me rotten, out of the blue, with a remote carstarter, that I have been all sorts of lovin' everytime we have left the house since...

Between Hanukah and X-mas these kidlets got spoiled rottenby both my family and bry's and allthough I am very appreciative, as they indeed loved all their gifties, (yes, even the socks and snowpants...) I definately had some damage control to do for several days after the festivities came to an end....NEVER SPOIL YOUR CHILDREN....I am shocked at how fast they can go from appeciating a new toy to the greedy....IS THAT FOR ME TOOOOOO??? Followed by a rush to grab the next present. But alas, all seems to be under control, and the troops are rallying back to normalville here, which is a great relief to me...

New Years will be a quiet event, hosted here, just some friends and family, nothing crazy....just some chill time...with good eats and great company.

In baby news, lil man is growing on schedule, and doc says, that the more kids you have, the stretchier things get, hence why when you stare at the belly he appears to be doing jumping jacks, it's because he can....
I am just trying to rest and savour the last several days of break before school is back in session until maternity leave takes over....just......a......few....more....weeks...........
Lil man starts swimming lessons with Pa in a few more weeks, and shortly after that, there will be three, folks.......just trying to take it day by day, love every moment, and not be to overwhelmed by what lies ahead!
anyhow, hope you all fared the holidays and are doing wonderful, I miss you all, and am looking forward to some mini visits soon....
NIN....so glad you are feeling better and the holidays worked out....can't wait to have drinkies with you after babymaking is come and gone....
S- I have been thinking lots about you too, miss you something fierce, and for you, my calender is out....lets do even just coffee perhaps this weekend?????