says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

nothing in particular

good morning...though I sit here looking forward to a day off cleaning the homefront, possible some baking, and lunch out with a gal and her kiddo, I realize, in this pic I don't look all that content. I was....hmmm, maybe that is something I need to work on...
not always looking so damn tired.

here all is smooth, it is after ten, and my little man is still snoozing, so T and I have had a quiet and particularly calming morning of drinking decaf and not doing anything in particular....
and everything in between.

this past week was pretty rockin and busy, although myself and the kidlets were still hanging on and savoring what I swear is the longest cold in history. we packed up and headed out apple picking with the lil man's class, and every kid in the class had irridescent liquid dripping from their noses....and I favorite time of year.....
I always vowed to not be that mom whose kid had crusty stuff stuck to their nose...but alas, this is easier said than done. Especially when your kid takes off like a screaming banshee everytime you come at them with something resembling what you need to wipe their face with, and the only way humanly possible to get them to a place nearly clean enough to leave the house, you have to pin them down and try and sing while scrubbing junk stuck to each nostril, that really only you see, but everytime a stranger walks by and glances at your kids you are sure she has noticed and is wishing you staight to hell for taking you kid out of the house with the PLAGUE, i mean a head cold.....just wait, if you haven't already been there, you will, and you'll see.

BUT - the week/weekend was not all filled with colds and whatnot, we actually had some great down time at the folks house, Auntie Chels flew in from Seattle for the long weekend and to witness Pa recieving a huge award....Props Dad,we are so very proud of you. The speech was terrific, and everyone had such nice things to say about this man, swearing by his character and generosity, and kind heartedness, and classiness...etc. etc...this family was super we always are.

so the big award day was followed by some later in the weekend sword fighting with cardboard at the folks place.... playhouse building...snake chasing and indian food chowing....hanging with the Foleys for some dinner and talk time,

and overall, not much sleeping, but hell, who needs sleep....
allright all, lil man is up, and tearing up things, so,
happy autumn....those leaves are changing fast, and I am desperately trying to savor fall, as I am afraid if I blink I just might miss it...

just a few quick shouts -
turkey trotters....just over a month....i am stoked....and cannot wait to see your faces....

fania - free dates???

nin - lil man got gracies letter last night and was all smiles, we will be recipricating soon!

hi randi!