says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

how we roll.....

so, the eve after my last post, the little man was putting up his normal bedtime chaos, and took a huge digger off the bed, and landed with his nose square on the metal trash, although it is hard to see in this pic, he now has a little ouch factor across the bridge of his nose. His Dad and Pa, took him to the ER, as the little lady was already fast asleep so I stayed with her. And as if a traumatic experience could not get worse, the swift doc on call, using the surgical glue to patch up his nose, get ready for this, glued his EYE shut. UHM HELLLLOOOOO....this is not brain surgery, (thank goodness, and knock on wood...) but if you are gluing shut the bridge of a squirmy and over tired 3 YEAR OLD's nose, wouldn't you cover his eyes?????? Maybe it's just me?

Anyhow, the kid is a trooper, he fussed when he fell, probably because it was more blood than the child has ever seen before, (I wanted to photograph it, but the photographer in me had an all out battle with the mama in me, over the moral dilema of photographing my lil man's first real injury that required an ER visit and wanting to wrap myself around him and make him feel better and talk to him till he was smiling and calm....and yes, I am kicking myself now for not snapping a quick pic, but oh things go, the mama is ALWAYS right.)
but he is fine, and was great at the ER and the next day. Now it looks like a teenie tiny cut on his nose, and I am furiously vitamin e-ing it to try and prevent a scar.

SO that was our excitement for the week, followed by my birthday and many birthday treats, including a dinner trip for all out to an Indian place nearby, complete with Mango shakes and Tandoori, a craft show, and a mini clebration at the in laws...

so now we are back to some peace and quiet - for now - as it always seems to be only temporary...

baby T is doing great, full of words and smiles and defiance, and lil man short of his spill, is great. He is loving school, despite some sharing issues that we are working through.

As for me, the belly is growing fast, and baby Benjamin is being heavily anticipated by all. I am not one of those women that grow a cute little belly and can prance around in teenie shirts so their beautiful bellies peek out from under their shirts. I, on the other hand am chock full o' braxton hicks, zebra belly stretch marks and pregnancy bliss overall, and cannot believe that there is really three months left. I also cannot even comprehend what it would take for me to do anything even remotely resembling prancing right now. Which is not to say that the belly isn't still peeking out, it just usually is not intentional. A woman at work actually asked me how big the docs think the baby is...I had to chalk it up to an "ignore that one," as right now, the baby is only probably a pound and a half, and it is probably me that is getting to BIG. (There have been quite a few "ignore that ones" this time round.) All this being said, I am blissful still. I love being pregnant, and don't care that it makes me grow big...

I am trying to stay healthy, although it seems that the stomach bug is running rampant through EVERY community we are near. I desperately fear this bug, as it more or less immobilized us the last several times we caught it, and I actually think I may end up in therapy over it someday. Everytime somebody says that there was a throwing-up incident, I more or less have to talk myself out of having an anxiety attack and convincing myself that I am not going to get this bug because somebody 60 miles away just had it. No doesn't get more germophob than me. The people at my hubs work all have it now, and I am already debating canceling plans for the weekend, as I am sure we might have it....uhm hello, help??!!??

Anyhow, not much else going on, gonna try and go motivate to clean this house again, bake some chocolate chip cookies, and hang with the lil man, while Teags naps...

hugs and sunshine to you all....