says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Monday, February 25, 2008

backyard sugarin'

*disclaimer, is that i absolutely adore this man, and think that he looks just so sweet all reveling in his new hobby.....

here's the deal. my dear sweet hubs is newly obsessed with tapping the trees in the yard and making his own maple syrup. that being said, i will tell you, the man spent 18 hours yesterday. yes, EIGHTEEN HOURS. making his first batch. an ordeal that began around 7 am, and lasted well past 1. AM. Being the understanding wifey that i am, i was cool till, oh say 8pm, at which point i started to get a little bit agitated, given the fact that multi-tasking is not his strong suit, and he really just MADE SYRUP for eighteen hours. he shrugged of my complaints assuring me that his new hobby is the same as me going to the gym. hmmmm. let's discuss.
i have to go to the gym, if i ever want to have any hope of reclaiming my body, fitting into a reasonable size of jeans and breathing at the same time, oh yeah, and to maintain my sanity.

the routine is such that i bundle the children,
pack snacks for after,
diapers and wipes for during,
load all three into the car seats, T having some crisis, as she always is,
drive to the gym,
hope all the way there that nobody poops, either before we get here or while were there,
because then i have to come change them in the kiddie bathroom and my chances of heading back out to exercise without benji having a massive meltdown are slim to NONE.
collect children,
hose them down with anti-bacterial lovin',
drive home muttering about germs - all sweaty and gross and hoping that the little man won't fall asleep in the car so i have a chance to shower before dinner rolls around.

sounds equally as fun as standing by a bonfire all afternoon, while drinking coffee. doesn't it?

now y'all must be picturing a fridge all filled up with syrup. not the case. there is ONE, yes, read ONE lonely mason jar just about topped off with golden goodness. something to do with a boiling down process, blah, blah. blah.

unreal. so this morning, i spoke with the hubs while he was at work and was expecting a realization about leaving the syrup making to the pros, but alas, he is planing on doing it again next weekend, but this time starting at MIDNIGHT. really, it would take me less time to load up the troops, drive to VT. have lunch with the adams crew, pick up a case of syrup, drive home, make dinner and put said troops to bed. just saying.
again NOTHING like going to the gym. at all.

but don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful day, full of kidlets in snow suits and sledding and friends and family stopping by to check out the madness. we roasted marshmallows, and enjoyed the hell out of the day. but really....

i can't wait till it's garden time, because i got eighteen hours in my garden sans kidlets- if you see hubs, let him know....