says who

My photo
crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

diggin' out

hey folks,

sorry for the utter lack of updates...I have changed my internet service, and with that have lost much of my ease of use of techno-based stuff....

overall though, we are very good...mimi retired yesterday and we accompanied the folks to a super tasty dinner, so as of now, til the health-food-wholesome-family-based-organic store is up and running, they are around...

***as a side note, any good ideas for a store name??? shoot 'em my way.... if you give us the name they choose, I will send some home-baked goodness your way!

anyhow, kiddos are splendid....

I am tired but doing well, it has been a crazed and busy week as school is out for the biggest bean now, so we have been chalked up to many play dates and what not...

how are you all? i feel like my avid readers have given up on me....say it's not sooo...and hit me up with a comment(follow the link at the bottem)

oh, and my new e-mail is

hugs, more posts and pics soon....
fania, I sooo hearted our visit...puleeeeeease another soon....
adams gals, I cannot wait to see you!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

more later

miss y'all.....

Friday, June 08, 2007

the deets....

so folks, i took a much needed bloggy break, time to cherish and love up my kiddies, time to get my garden in order, time to let my head take a break. but alas, i will fill those inquiring minds in...

last week, my aunt came over and took the two biggest beans for a walk....they somehow got turned around, and ended up miles...yes, MILES from our dad and i drove around looking for awhile, thinking perhaps they had decided to play in somebody's yard, or at the school, or the nearby park. no dice.

fearing the worst and hoping for the very best, we called the police....the state troopers responded ASAP and were several minutes from posting an Amber alert and having the search dogs start. They collected the kids clothing for scent, and most recent pics...TERRIFYING. my travels, i had stopped 4 teenage boys that were fishing several miles from my house and asked if they had seen a women walking with 2 small children...they said no, but as i drove away, and they packed up - they spotted them walking in the opposite direction...THANK GOD.

the boys hauled ass after my truck, and caught up to me, at my house with the state troopers, and gave them the locale.

everyone got home safe...rosy cheeks, black fly bites, thirsty and hungry...but safe. and to boot, they got to ride in the fire chiefs suburban, does it get any better than that? the biggest bean sure doesn't think so.

I never thought I would say this, but thank god for teenage boys....these guys anyway. who knows what whould have happened...

hope you and all your lovies are safe, sound, and enjoying the gardening....hugs, A

new veggie photo series coming, as I am chairing a local art show in OCT, and I need to get some stuff up and ready to sell......

Friday, June 01, 2007

do you know where your kids are???

(lil man's super fun fishing trip is a story for another day, and nothing to do with the drama mentioned below....)

I do. It has been a bit of a disasterous few days (really just yesterday, but it has spilled into today), involving my two older beans, some rescue folk, and the state troopers, I am overwhelmed, exhausted and unable to post about all this weeks deelicious adventures, as well as the big ole' not so tasty adventure...everyone is safe, sound, and mellow...

for all you peeps out there with kidlets you love, yours or someone elses, hug 'em extra tight and cherish every moment, even the sassiest of 'em....

I am.

hugs, A