says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i was that mom....

so those of you that know me well, know that I am a total germaphobic kids despite this fact, do things like lick the shopping cart handles, or put their fingers in strange places when we go out, and everything goes in their mouths. I know this is the age, and that's what kids do, but my kids pick up every cold and bug that is available....

hence, we have begun fall with a head cold...runny noses and scratchy throats. Delightful...however, Lil man with the help of some Elderberry syrup, seemed to kick the bug in just a few days, so alas, when Tuesday arrived and he reaaallllllly wanted to go to school, I said fine, he had barely a sniffle left, no temp, and looked fine....

forgetting of course that my lil man repeats everything he hears...


I love this child.

Later getting topsoil with the check out lady, "hi, my name is Myles, and I have a head cold...."

LOVELY. Might I say in my defense, he really was over his cold, and today he appears as though there is not a trace remaining...but my goodness, I must look like that mom that drags her kidlets around and does her errands anyway because it's just that important...

what can I say, my won't happen again!

baby belly update.....

click on the pic to see him bigger...
it's.....another little man. I am thrilled.
Monday a.m. was the big appointment....the new bean is doing wonderful, it was so nice to see and watch the lil one move all around. The tech did a 3-d and 4-d as well, which was just amazing to see. She was stunned, as I couldn't stop crying it just was so super grounding and healing to know that I will be able to name this child in honor of my beloved grandfather that passed away during the winter of last year. He was one of the most important people in my life, and it was so wonderful to know that I will have this special man's memory and legacy live on....
So love you....
In some small way, it is the first time I truly feel settled about his passing. I know it was long past his time, and that he had suffered more than any soul should, but I missed him so much, as do the rest of his family....
and I think I am finally at peace...
(excuse the blurs, the photo is out of focus in the original, but as my mom says, it just captures his spirit...)

Teags is rockin' out in Lil man's jammies, and I am so handing everything down....she can do army pants like it's nobody's biz...
Her cold lingered a bit longer, but I think it is on it's way out now.
She is very excited about the new bean, but insists that Bry has one in his belly too.
Oh, well, what she thinks she knows, certainly won't hurt anyone, and it is amusing in the meantime....

The foot doc was a wash AGAIN...2-3 possibly four more weeks, til this bad boy heals. Delightful. Nothing like a boot hobble and a preggo waddle to compliment each other. Fantastic.

Peep shouts....
Nin, your Sept.11th post...heartbreakingly honest, as you are, and beautiful, as you are. I miss you, and am so desperately looking forward to next wed. as those apples are calling, and lil man may start walking to see gracie if we hold out much longer...are we up on pen pal fun?
Oh, and put me down on the created commune, I am all over that part of your life list...

Fania, hearts,hugs, and smooches, after this weekend we get to pick a day right???? I would love to see you and Leah, and maybe even have a ladies night out to dinner?? I can drive with a shoe, and then put the boot back on....
hi and, can i just tell you when I run spell check, Fania's correction, is fanny...

Chels. Hang in...we are thinkin about you, and can't wait til thanksgiving. (For the turkey and cranberry sauce of course:))

anyhow, off to make some apple crisp...
hugs all...
coziness, and fall delights
