says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Monday, January 23, 2006

snow day smiles

who doesn't love a good ole fashioned snowy day? woke up to a 5:45 a.m. phone call..."hi, no school today..." Another perk to being a teacher, I get to relive that childhood joy of snow days and the night before anticipation of them.
kiddos are great today lil man shoveled the driveway with dad and Teags helped mama to clean the house and bake some yummy comfort food. Not much else going on today, supposed to have some friends for dinner, but who knows with the weather what the evening will bring.
need some sewing inspiration, unpacked lots of unfinished projects today, lots of fabric, not enough time...any ideas? Gotta go check on the carrot cake...have a lovely day

sunshine and smiles to you all, Al