like family.
like patterns in the ice.
like tag on the november.
like early morning snuggles from itty bitty babies while the rest of the world sleeps.
like a house full (FULL) of sleeping people that you love more than you can express in words.
like traditions that are 2 decades old.
like new traditions that feel like an old cozy pair of socks.
like yarn on your fingers.
like giant hugs and smiles from old friends.
like bottomless glasses of red wine.
like poker at midnight.
like ice cubes clanking in glasses full of scotch.
like belly laughs....from the masses.
like 65 degrees on your face when it should be 30.
like the most ahhhhmazing bloody mary's ever to touch your lips.
like crisp clean blue skies.
like football in the fall in maine under said BLUE skies.
like beans who blow me away with the size of their amazingness.
like 10 foot waves taking my breath away.
like a bright pink tutus on 6 year olds with giant brown eyes.
like reassurance from the people you care about.
*sigh* ALL OF IT. truly...i am just as thankful as thankful can be...and i am gonna ride this vibe as long as humanely possibly....