says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

life for reals....

after a few "gentle" reminders, it has come to my attention, that i have not been on this site for like ever. i know. it's lame. but i have been in a strange place these days....

not even one so much that i can elaborate on, but strange none-the-less.

i have some amazing people in my life, and i am so so blessed....they have totally stepped up and rocked my world, and are helping guide me through this weird space, so that i come out just exactly where i need to be.

i am making some changes, for starters, i am tuning in and logging off. facebook has taken over my life... as much as i hate to admit that and type those words....i have been spending far to much time socially "networking" and far too little time focusing on the real world that is moving and shaking all around me...

and i am running. like hell. in the right direction. i am channeling my energy in the RIGHT direction....which is SO important.

my girl nina came for a visit on earth day, and i have no idea for those amazing hours where my phone was. AND, i didn't care. it was a big is time to unplug...and revel in all the wonderful going on around me that is day to day, that i sometimes take for granted. the time is now peeps.

i also had an AMAZING chat with a very dear soul whom i simply adore, out ashville way, who opened my eyes, woke me up, and rocked my world...and most of all, reminded me that i am okay, and that i am going to BE okay. that i need to focus on my friends, that is what i am going to do....

if i am a bit distant or in another headspace, i will come that what is meant to be -will be.

i will be HERE....NOW....