hey y'all...
happy saturday. and i mean it for real....
the antibiotics kicked in and i am finally on the mend...which rocks. i am still tired, but feel TONS better. Thanks all for the sweet calls and messages...*nins, that about made my chaotic morning...
more or less all is well here....we are getting back to norms, and that is just exactly what needs to happen.
i have lots to do....from holiday making, to shopping, to STARTING my cards....yikes. but we will get there, just taking it slow, one step at a time...
as for the kidlets, they are great. flu shots were okay....(read; T jumped up and down and begged to go first, followed by more jumping and cheering over the nurses band-aid choice...benji took it like a man and sneered a bit at the nurse, and M hid behind the chair - kicked, screamed and had to be held down by the nurse, bry and i. really something. really.)
then this a.m., ready for your riddle of the day...M informed me after his shower...(which we normally do at night because it is COLD here, but i was EXHAUSTED last night after my first day back at work) that he needs to now shower in the morning before school. when i pushed for an explanation, he said one of the big kids on his bus told him that because he didn't, he smelled like a skunk. GREAT. aren't kids AWESOME!!! yes, i am shouting....so, while i wanted to tell my very clean child to use some choice words...i didn't, but man, it is ALWAYS something. so mama's how do you direct your kids when these things happen....because it was insignificant teasing, no harm done, he was only a little upset, but it's how they respond to the teasing, that can set the tone for the rest of elementary school....and until T is there to defend him, well....you get it....
just curious...how have you, and how do you, deal with these things?? i teach in an elementary school. so i know how i deal with it, but would love your imput...
so, at anyrate, we are gonna hang low this weekend....pick up, maybe run a few errands, maybe not....
what's your plan?
xo, A