i know i know. i am still here. it really is ridiculous. like i JUST. CANNOT. POST. why??? well, no reason really - just lots of stuff goin' round in my head, and am not so effective at formulating the ideas into sentences right know. lame, i know. but things are good, really good. and that is really all you need to know. there has been lots of fabulous, mixed in with a small amount of nonsense, that we are just not going to let get in the way of life...
the children are over the moon about the upcoming holidays, we do a nightly calender check, and frankly, i really am not sure what M is more excited about x-mas, hannukah, or not having to go to school for "lots of days all together." i am totally enamored with watching their little minds work....how they put things together...make sense of this crazy world. last night before bed, i made the statement to hubs, "geez, this house looks like it BLEW up. " and T whispered to M, (T whisper is LOUD.) "houses do not BLOW up, why does mommy always say that? "
for the first time ever, it looks like after a great deal of soul searching on hubs part, that we will be staying home for the holidays. so wondering what some of your most beloved traditions are on christmas morn....as i grew up celebrating hannukah, and while we have some ideas to build on, just wondering what you all do....
we have made our gingerbread cookies, trips to santa's house - i totally have his addy, if you need it...it is really amazing, the cards have been sent, and the little perfect potted tree is decorated...now we are just waiting for the snow. i bought loads of candy canes to decorate the gingerbread house with, and we decided to do cookies instead...so, now we are all filled up on peppermint loveliness....(t who had never had one before, helped herself, and after about 5 minutes licking at it, she came into the kitchen to find me and said, "i get it - after we lick all the stripes off we throw them out right ma!?!?" )
anyhow, as you can see, i'm scattered. but this too shall pass. happiest wishes your way....and do tell....