says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Monday, December 24, 2007


so i am feeling uneasy about the last post, and even debated deleting it this a.m., but i guess this place is about the good, the bad, the ugly, and all the wonderful on top of it. i sometimes feel i need to sensor myself based on my readers - well, no more of that. from here on, we speak our minds, we say what we need to, because after all, you all are part of my life in some way or another, and if you can see me at my best, i suppose i owe you all the rest as well. That being said,

we slept in today.

i am feeling refreshed.

we are going to decorate the ginger peeps today.

kiddos all cuddled with me this a.m, and then went to play while the littlest bean and i snuggled and he nursed away the morning.

i am gonna bust out a clean place and mound of yummy recipes for tonight and upcoming festivities.

i am not going to let other people dictate MY MOOD.

i am going to focus on the wonderful things. the sweet beans and their big excited eyes.

i am going to breathe.

now that feels better. have a wonderful holiday. thanks for checking in...


making the ginger peeps with the beans was a fabulous venture....

i am glad i decided to breathe today....