a mama to three amazing lil people... who remind me every day that the world is just a better place -if we look at it through rose colored glasses...
says who
- *the mama
- crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
season's end
while i am insanely excited that fall has arrived in all it's splendor, i must say, that it occured to me this morning while out tromping around in the garden with T collecting tomatos - our feet soaking wet with dew, that the begining of fall, even though it is my most favorite of times, also signifies the nearing of the END of my garden for the season. No more heading out as dinner time nears to pick a fresh cucumber or 6 for dinner, no more sweet squash or delicious basil to savor with each meal...and no more fresh bruschetta or salsa...or salads...
but I think what saddens me more than anything about that, is that as this summer nears an end, times are changing. Next year M will be headed of to Kindergarten, and I wonder if T will still find as much delight in picking the red tomatos and filling our shirts with them...and Benji my last and littlest bean will be almost 2 next year. I know, I know, its all still a year away, I just cannot beleive how FAST time has been rushing by me....I am desperately trying to capture each moment and hold on, with out holding back...live for today, yet not let it go by to quickly...
yes friends, today i am a little bit sad. today i am wishing these days would last forever...that i could freeze time, and my beans would always love me as much as they do at this very moment in time.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
meet scout....
Monday, September 17, 2007
a touch of fall.....
you can't turn your back, or he does THIS.
and he is so stinkin' proud of himself.
not gonna lie, i am pretty proud of him too..
Sooooo. fall has arrived and I am just so giddy about it. We have already been down to the orchard to pick, and let me tell yah, we may actually go AGAIN this week even. So, if your in the area and wanna pick, hit me up...we are all about it. I seriously *heart* EVERY stinkin' thing about fall. EVERY one. We have busted out the hoodies, the jeans and crocs, and are just grand. Actually had to have hubs dig out the extra comforter to throw on the bed last night, as I was chilly and all set to snuggle and be WARM. On the agenda today, is apple crisp, make some bruscetta with the leftover tomatos and possibly even a pie or two depending on the kidlets...because lets be honest - it's not really about my agenda is it. Nope, never is.
In kidlet news, the biggest bean has taken to wearing a necktie. With everything. Yesterday apple picking in a track suit and tie, today to school with cargo shorts and a sweatshirt. Great. I feel like I need to pick my battles. The kid is not wearing a bucket on his head...it's a freakin' tie. Fine. Overall, I must say, this is cute and makes me want to eat him up when he is behaving, and a bit problematic and eddie haskelish when he is being not so good, like soaking the bathroom hand towels in water and then SUCKING the water out JUST TO WATCH me convulse about the germ content.....nice.
T is grand, all about bein' the middle child, and loving on, (read TORMENTING) her brothers. She kicks them, and hits...deelightful - no really she is. Hubs has always called me the hippy mafia, as I can be chock full o' sweet, but you don't wanna cross me, or mess with my peeps. Sigh, my mini me... Today we went shopping while M was at school and she picked out all her outfits as outfits, told me which things she would ABSOLUTELY NOT wear, and then on the way home told me she was going to send me to jail because I wasn't treatin' her good. When I prodded and asked where jail was - the bafement. Oh. of course.
Why would you want to send me to the basement T?
T- why? cuz yah baaad.
Great. So, if you are looking for me, check there.
as for the littlest bean, he is doing fabulous, no sleep, but fabulous all the same...
we will never have THIS day again, so no matter how crazy and sleep deprived things are around here....I am going to savor each and every moment.
My dear sweet nins, has nominated me for a blogger award....
*blush* so I am gonna go now and try to jump on board and figure out how to pass on the love....
I am gonna pass the lovins on to my girlie Stefania, as she is sooo sooo sweet, and makes this mama happy. She is kind, beautiful, generous, thoughtful and loves to chill with me over snacks and coffee while the kidlets run amuck....truly one of my favorite ladies to spend girl time with. Hang in there girlie, we got smiles and vibies chock full o' what your needin! (oh, and don't forget to keep it goin...)
anyhow all. hugs and fall lovins your way, and pop over for some apple crisp if you so desire...
also, if you get a sec, let me know your favorite fallish deeelight.....mine for sure is apple pickin' with my peeps...anyone interested??
hugs, A
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
the happy couple....
are getting married! Matt popped the big Q in Hawaii this week and Chels said yes, and away we go!
yay, congrats, we are so stinkin' happy for yah...
the kiddlets are ecstatic....
t says she can be the "flowa" girl cuz she knows how to carry flowas....she big for carryin' flowas...
m is just overjoyed, says he will be 5 and all snazzed out, and benji, well, he's to busy teachin' himself to walk so he can be a part of everything...
all is quiet here, we have the signature school is back in session snots...but other than that we are hunkerin' down and watching movies galore today.
hope everyone is fabulous,
our little pal Gray broke her collar bone, and we are so sad. pop on over to the whole self, and send some well wishes if you may...Gracie we are sending you lots of feel better wishes...
accident update.... the lady I hit still hasn't contacted us regarding the damages, so hopefully all is well that ends well, although, M and T have told every-single- solitary-person they see, that I rammed a lady and we named her snotty. fun is peeps, fun is....
Thursday, September 06, 2007
a weekend of weekends.....
i have so much to say, so little time.
the littlest bean is good, using all his time and effort to crawl, though not sleeping, as i think he is growing and hungry hungry hungry all the time....i have thrown some cereal into the fruits and veggie and nursing mix to see how that goes, and i actually may see how he does with some finger foods today, if he can get it into his mouth, i say let him have at it.
the other two beans, well, lets just say they are either the best of friends or each others nemesis, and they can turn it on and off in the blink of an eye.
deeeelightful i tell yah.
and yes, she is wearing his underwear. they were left to their own devices for 2 seconds. i swear. and decided this would be a great idea.
we had a CRAZY BUSY labor day weekend, that led right into the first day o'school for the biggest bean, lots of bbq's, birthday parties, dinner gatherings, and overtired little ones sleeping with necks cocked this way and that....
and after a hectic weekend, we all need some time, to unwind, debrief, head to the gym, and slam our cars into unsuspecting corporate snobby women from WEST of the RIVER...swear to her that i am not the trainwreck she thinks that i am, breath heavily, head back to the gym, and then out to dinner with the fam, so the beans can inform EVERYONE they see that mommy RAMMED the snotty women in the VOLVO. Never under any circumstance, say ANYTHING that you do not wish to have repeated in front of many people,in many locations, when you are with my children.
happy first day of school big bean...and thanks for not hitting anyone, mommy took care of that...
love to all...
gonna go chill for the rest of the week/weekend.
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