says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Friday, February 16, 2007

a tough time....

hey all,

sorry to be sooo absentee, but things here have not been easy, after arriving home, I had all the highest hopes that things would run smoothly and the transition to three would be a peice of cake, how wrong I was.

my girlie had the stomach icks so bad that I actually had to move out for a few days because the pediatrician did not want the new guy to catch a bug. Being away from my girl while she was sick was one of the most difficult things that I have ever had to do, and thank goodness for my amazing hubby who plowed through the weepies and spit ups and sat up all night with T while she wimpered, and occupied the big guy as we assumed after running around with the puke bucket on his head, (sterilized of course) that he was infected....

but alas , after several days I came home, and sort of crossed my fingers that we were in the clear, as I simply could stay away from my family no more....thanks to mom and dad for putting up with me and baby benji, allthough, he is a snap, by far (knock hard on wood please) the easiest of the three....

so drama over, uhm no wait never mind, my girl continued to fuss and I finally sent her with Bry to the Doc's again yesterday and in the works AGAIN, is another ear infection. LOVELY.

I want my kiddos to be happy and healthy, I want to settle back into a rountine that allows me to care for my lovelies, clean up the house and do what needs to get done. I want to feel like being social again....I am being a bit of a hermit right now, as I just don't feel like visiting with people. I know it is normal hormonal baby blues stuff that happens to me EVERY TIME I give birth to an amazing little being.....but damn it I wish it would just PASSSSSSS already.

On an up note though Benji is AMAZING....a chill little guy, whose only care is to nurse and doze....

SO, my hugest apologies if I haven't called you back, returned e-mails, or sought you out for a visit, I am just trying to get by right now, trying to remember to smile, and letting myself adjust. Overall the kids are being rockstars and they are okay with the fact that mommy is a little sad....they are filling me up with kisses and smiles and making me laugh through these sometimes sad eyes....gotta love these hormones.....don't give up on me folks....needing those positive thoughts