so totally and completely funked out over here.
there were two days of beautiful. sun....wind...a little warmth, and then just like that it was gone. GONE. gotta tell you, it was too much of a tease. i maybe would have rather skipped it, because i am SO FREAKIN' cold right now i am just barely able to type. and it SUCKS. i am desperate for spring. i want to rock my bare feet. bust out my spring skirts, to feel the spring air between my sit outside and watch the beans run around and play and feel the warmth of the sun...
no dice peeps.
in attempts to get over it and stop whining,
i have been in my head a whole bunch, thinkin' up all the things i love...yes, even right now while i am freezing away over here....
you want in on the goodz?
here's a little of what i am lovin up on right now...
*my new super dreamy tye-dyed yarn that calls to me all day long....
*red wine...(yes, i know its always on the list...but listen, it is ALWAYS good.)
*mama time...just for me. whisking myself away to hide in bookstores and pour through pages of cookbooks and craft books and even some i can exhale.
*french pressed coffee. hi, i am obsessed. yep. sometimes i even pass up my nightly red wine to have my coffee. yes, really.
*headbands. any and all. honestly...i am in love.
*my neti pot...serious...clarity in a little teapot...if you don't, you so should.
*draggin out some of my most cozy and totally nasty sweaters that are such a mess and yes, were totally my dad's when he was my age, and are safety pinned together and so don't cut it wardrobe wise, but somehow they make me not hate winter quite so much....
*friends that make me laugh even when laughing right now seems SO hard and kinda inappropriate...
*the previously broken bean walking....YES!!! walking, without that FREAKING walker...i will never ever be able to walk past a walker again without cringing at the noise they make. nails on a chalkboard people. trust me.
*brussel sprouts. let me tell you. i eat them to the point that they make me sick. EVERY time. and i'm probably gonna keep doing it because i LOVE them, and i do believe it is worth it...
*one of my most favorite girlies bein preggers. coffee with you last week MADE MY MONTH. it's gonna be amazing lady. i can't wait.
*going back to work after two months of being on leave with the big bean...honestly, i went in last week and did bus duty, yep...its been that good...
*ifc movies.
*impromptu visits with friends.
*breakfast quesadillas
*the fact that spring is so close i can almost...
*cozy slippers
*black and white lovins. love that.
*long weekends
*phone dates near and far
*benji's eyelashes in my face first thing in the morning
*the way the beans giggle if i dry their hair....the WHOLE time...
*owls. right? they are
*photo text lovins with my sister mama wifey all day long....totally gets me through...
*keeping the story interesting....(you can read that how ever you wish.... - but - we all have a story...whats yours...)
there is just so much more....
i guess even though i am desperately awaiting some springish lovins...
it isn't so bad after all... got lotsa lovins all around....
a mama to three amazing lil people... who remind me every day that the world is just a better place -if we look at it through rose colored glasses...
says who
- *the mama
- crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
:::the melt down
okay peeps...real talk.
hardest winter ever. no secret that i am a beach girl...i do love fall....and i do love new england, dont get me wrong....but people...i would give it up in a hot second to feel sand between my toes and sun on my face. i miss it. terribly. yes everyone is in the same boat, lots of snow and ice and cold and blah blah blah....listen, I AM SERIOUS....hook me up with a ticket, and i am OUT.
but in the meantime, i am embracing the life as a winter mama, accenting every ridiculous outfit i rock, with giant rubber boots and funky gloves and adding fun things like purple hair to my standby look...because really, something has gotta give.....
that being said...there is SO much beauty in all of it....and it still takes my breath away to see icicles glinting in the sun, and and the quiet of a fresh snow fall when only baxter and i are outside....and the noise of the shovel scraping against the pavement after hours of shoveling...i LOVE that is the best ever...and the wind whistling, and the crackle of the wood in the fire, and the habits - we have consumed more red wine and chili this winter than is normal....(i have a pot on the stove right now, swear it.)
but really....we are holding up...
we made 70 valentines, and about 40 thank you notes and i actually said, OUT LOUD, "if you can't craft responsibly then we wont craft at all...." hmmm....right? honestly..who says things like that???? and then i walked to the kitchen and just drank out of the bottle, because really......
m is still rocking the rehab circuit, and it is so so hard to watch...but he is doing it, and i am sure SOMEDAY this will be semi funny, but it is a WAYS off...and right now, not funny...not at all....and he is seven...and seven is hard....and those two things peeps...pure suckage. don't get me wrong people...i freakin' LOVE this bean, but holy crap...payback is a NASTY. DIRTY. LOW BLOW DIVVYING, if you catch a piece of my head in your territory from the kind and send it back my way... thanks in advance...
tj is as always a rockstar...she chooses to go by the princess route, but the girl is straight up hardcore badass. she rocked a 12 hour stomach nasty last week, and i swear, she is the toughest kid i tears, no fuss, and in between dry heaving and puking(i have been told vomit is not a word people use ;) ) she would look up with her giant brown eyes and ask if her daddy would like to play uno....amazing...seriously...or if she could please have a snack...
and benji...well, the kid melts me EVERY freakin' day...he is just the very best that there is. the kid walks on water. no joke. don't get me wrong, he makes more trouble than any of my beans, he makes bigger messes, and i swear is at least 50 times louder than most kids his age, but he is freakin' AMAZING. i swear it...he wakes up and rocks a costume and a smile every morning...he tells me he loves me just because, and his little brain is just so stinkin' stunning....he starts almost every sentence with "mommy and do you know what...." and when you ask him a question his default is ALWAYS...."ummmm i don't bemember...." and i heart so big... and he talks to himself, and i think that is awesome....
not gonna lie...even though there are SO many smiles...its been tough, but we are workin' through it, digging out, and watching the melt....i am so so ready for mud, and sun, and spring....
in an effort to keep things on the upswing, i am making a my head....for now...
of the goodz....
because it has been too long ...
....and i think we are due for some goodz....
xox, *me
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