*with giant thanks to my aunt for the house, and the keys, and my hubs for takin the beans, my mama wifey and i jaunted off to the beach, (which as a disclaimer may be my most favorite place in the universe....)
there was walks on the beach, wine, snuggles, pouring through tattoo magazines and most amazingly...there was quiet. so much quiet. there were moments that i smiled to myself and thought about how these beat up eardrums felt like they were filled with magic. it was silence...SILENCE!!! ahhhmazing.
i gotta tell you...there was a time, that i never would have made this work...i would have never packed up and spent a weekend away from the hubs and the beans...but i needed it...i needed some recharging, and more importantly i needed to step back and give myself permission to need that and permission to take a break....
so i did. and i loved it more than i can put into words.
....and i came home refreshed. exhausted....but a whole different kind of exhausted...not beat down and run down...just tired and at ease, and ready to start fresh.
ready to be snowed in and rock some baking and some making and some deep breathing...ready to pick some battles, and ready to have at it.
...and i missed the beans...and i missed the man...and sometimes a little step away is all you need to regain your balance....
so we are here. we are home. there has been snow , and knitting, and fires, and legos, and bickering, and coffee-pressing, and cookie baking, and movies, and purple hair...(yes, really) and choas...and laughs...and yelling, and healing, and dancing, and mohawks...and lovins...and attitude adjusting and crazy funkishness all around....
this will pass people, and i am gonna be here still diggin out when it does....
the healing bean is doing beautiful by the way...he is powerin all over this house with his walker, and he will be out of the woods here soon i hope...
mad lovins your way peeps....mad crazy lovins...xo, *a