says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Monday, December 06, 2010

round up...a little late...


i am at a loss for words here.

i know.  SO.NOT.LIKE.ME.

but really.  

i blinked, and fall was gone....

the world just seems to be spinning by a billion miles an hour, and every time i turn around, these kids are bigger, and another month has gone by, more teeth have fallen out, this one can read and that one can write and and and and i have no idea how to make it slow down.  so, i have chosen to tune out a little.  i have been neglecting my blogishness, i have been crafting, and printing, and cooking, and carving, and loving up on these beans and the Mr. and all of his hard work that makes this house a home......

our days have been kinda full - family  dinners full, playdate full, good peeps full...the kinda full,  that you get in bed and fall asleep and when you open your eyes it is simply not possible that it is already morning....

these days, i find myself staring into my morning coffee and just marveling in the moment, the quiet of my cappuccino while the world rushes all around me....and other times my eyes are caught up in the excitement of it ALL....and the comfort of familiarity mixed all up and intertwined with the newness of everyday....and loving it ALL, as always....

we put up our funky little tree yesterday...and i was so teary just looking at the years of collected treasures hanging on the tree, the handmade homespun is just SO fast...wasn't it just last year we were walking through the woods, crazy teenagers in love??

but i guess that is how life moves, in fast forward...i need to slow things down....but i am all tangled up in trying to figure out how to do that. so, i want to know/need to know....what do y'all do to slow down your tell....