says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Thursday, March 04, 2010


hi folks...

i am in a FUNK.  it is time for spring, and even though i wake up on the snow dusted mornings and marvel at how pretty the trees look, and how peaceful the world appears with a fresh coat of snow on the ground - i am gonna be straight, the second i set foot outside in the cold - i am DONE.

i want to go outside.  i want to play outside.  i want to listen to the kids running around with fresh air infused cheeks, and hear the birds chirp.  i want to watch the garden grow and open my windows. 

this winter has been emotionally draining for many many reasons, and while we are still plugging away here, and not loosing sight of the big picture, and still lovin' up on each other every day....we are just ready for some *FRESH* air....

so, a dear friend asked me to participate in a give-away, and i was just tickled, as we will be giving away a a beautiful springy picture to refresh your soul, and a COZY short warm scarf to keep you warm while we are WAITING for spring to come....


so - want in?  here's what you need to do...leave a comment, telling us what get's you through the winter, and what you are most looking forward to about spring...


a winner will be randomly picked in one week!  good luck dearies....

xo, a