says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

dear mama nature....

dear mama nature...

oh how we adore you,

but i feel like you are toying with us.  it is soo soo cold here, but no snow.  none at all.  

so we are cooped up in the house with sniffling little noses and chapped red cheeks...
and cold feets and hands, 
*mother in laws b-day cake for tonight, and double layer double chocolate brownie cake with milk chocolate frosting....

lots of snuggles and cuddles and boogery smooching going on, don't get me wrong...
and for some reason these beans are always toasty warm.

and we are crafting, and baking, and cooking, and, and , and,

but when we look out the window we see bright inviting sun and blue we bundle up and head out side - and it is like insta-cold headache - what gives??

so i guess we will continue the homespun goodness...but we are a little stir crazy here - just sayin'.

*t's valentine lovebugs all set up to dry

* a sneak peek at my new coffee table project...

*little bean cozying up to the fire with his truck of the day

*handsome big man writing to the tooth goddess....

so, all in all, we are really good, but we were just thinking, if you could either send some snow our way, or else send us a quick nod that we can go unpack the flip flops, we would be pretty grateful.

much love,