says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

with love.

sending big love to you all this holiday season...

all while trying to exhale here and remember that there is no need to get caught up in madness and chaos and holiday frenzy-ishness....

it is about spending time with the ones you love, and having that big ole bucket filled right up with love...

it is about gingerbread houses and frosting messes

it is about sticky fingers squeezing your face

it is about late night chats by the fire with wine and cozy feet

it is about early morning snuggles

it is about vacation musings

it is about crafting

it is about sharing

it is about giving

it is about making memories

it is about loving all that is right there in front of you

it is about knowing what matters most

it is about lessons in letting go

it is about so many many things...

i know for all of us it is about something different...but for me it is JOY, and discovery, and excitement, and the love that dances in these beans eyes, and how that makes me remember all the goodness

happiest of holidays to you friends...

with love,

me and hubs and the beans...