(*our heart shaped vanilla cake filled with strawberries and topped with vanilla buttercream frosting.......)
can i just say that these beans rock my world every moment of every day.
yesterday was dreamy, hallmark holiday and all. the kiddos loved it up, and we hopped right on board...they sent lots of valentines and got calls thanking them for their hard work, and each time their little faces just beamed with pride...it was about the sweetest thing.
we made a pink heart shaped cake for dessert...after 2 bites the little bean threw his fork and just picked up the plate.
this morning i found the two boys sitting on m's bed diggin' on m's new jack johnson cd - which was a gift from dad for v-day...(the man totally digs v-day - because he says that there are no expectations - too sweet) both of them on the bed nodding their heads back and forth...he is just the best big brother. he has his less than stellar moments, but overall, the kid kicks ass.
and t - well...here in everything PINK she could find because it was a love day....
last night after everyone filled their bellies full on pink heart shaped cake...this was the conversation....
t (from the top of the stairs...) M-O-M (no joke, she has taken to SPELLING mom to get my attention - i am enamored and irritated all at the same time.)
me - "yes T"
t - "can you please turn the tv down you are keeping me up."
me - "okay t - it's down."
t -"uhm, M-O-M."
me - "YES T."
t- "is that the diswasher?"
me- "YES t."
t- "do you think you could run it in the morning?"
me - "no, it is running now..."
t - "but MOMMMMMY, how will i sleep? you know everything that you and daddy are doing is keeping me awake."
me-"T GO TO BED"
t -"but i can't sleep. and if you keep me awake the sand guy can't come and put sand in my eyes. so BE QUIET."
this child - she is just a ray of sunshine 99% of the time, and the other 1 % - well, i want to gauge my ears out....
as i type the children are tying each other up, and somebody just told somebody else to show them their bum....so i must run....but i hope you all are have a sparkling weekend, i know i am.
xo, a