says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

winter. *sigh*

winter is not my favorite time....but i will say, i have become much more fond of it since the beans do so love a good romp in the snow. 

what i do NOT love, is all the drama of a snow day delay- 90 minute delays...what IS that?  90 minutes?  so freakin' complicated.  then today, the biggest  bean, who is a.m. kindergarten....has a 90 minute delay.  then his bus is a half hour  how much school are we really going to have.  i mean really, he's FIVE...  

so, after school today, he hopped off the bus, and we had our usual exchange...
me - "hey bub!  how was school today..."

big bean (in a matter of fact tone)- "oh, actually we didn't have school today.  today we took off our coats, had snack, did 10 minutes of homework, put our coats on and then came back home."

now you tell me - a 90 MINUTE DELAY??????  they only go to school for 3ish hours anyway.  ridiculous.

in other news.  benji is turning two next week...he is finally chatting away, and wanders all over the house rolling his r's - it is such a strange little habit that i am all enamored with...

his new favorite word is "truck"  which he shouts all over the house, the highway, anywhere you may be able to see a large vehicle....which is so sweet - minus the unfortunate- that he has subtracted the tr and replaced it with a LOUD F.  awesome.  ESPECIALLY in the grocery store.  or anywhere really.  but really he is amazing...and i love even our post bedtime snuggles while we watch american idol, because he refuses to go to bed, and there is nothing else appropriate on except dora which by evening i am totally maxed out on.

t is princess-ing it up all over the house and has really turned in to such a demanding little one.  exchanges often heard...

"daddy i want milk"
hubs - "how do you ask for milk?"
"daddy i want milk....NOW."

and the new popular is "mommy - you may NOT come in my room evah (ever) again."

just about every statement is followed by a "RIGHT NOW!"

if she needs something - like your attention, or a snack or uh, ANYTHING... she will walk up and grab your face and yell "MOMMY"  "I NEEEEEEEED YOUUUUUUUUUU."  as if you could not hear her when she was standing right next to you. 

she has all the boys in this house wrapped around her little is really something to watch.  and as soon as you think your so over her attitude that your head will explode, she says in the sweetest of voices all while batting her eyelashes in your face...."uhm mommy....i love you"  and smirks and runs away.  i am gonna be in the sticks when this kid hits the teen years.

we are thinking positive thoughts for my uncle jim who is in the hospital working on getting send a quick get well vibe our way of you have a sec...

and welcoming nins newest bean Lulu, who i cannot wait to love all over*

anyhow.  all else is well...things have worked themselves out in regards to some chaos we were dealing with and all is quiet for now.  

how are YOU?
