says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Monday, July 14, 2008

my drug.

*my yarrow - in full bloom*

So i know that around this time of year i am usually chock filled with juicy deets about my garden and the beans playing in my garden, and the tasty somethin's that are growing in my garden and. and. and....however, this summer it's been a bit different. i have been saving all these sweet things, spending most evenings before the bugs come out, weeding, playing, walking around in and cherishing every plant. and keeping it to myself...want to peek?

*my lettuce*

*sun peeking through the leaves of my squash plants*

*i had to pick just one*

*ah at last, tomatoes...SAFE tomatoes*

hubs and i made a decision that i needed a bigger garden this year, and a bigger garden i got. it is 3-4 times the size of the little one i usually tend to and i think i have been a bit overwhelmed. the weeds have been growing as fast as the plants, and the plants, although i firmly believe in organic growing, look as though they are on steroids. but alas, as the week came tumbling down last week in chaos due to some unfortunate doctors appointments with doctors simply NOT listening to me, AT ALL, and stress weighing heavily on my mind about some family situations needing to be dealt with, and the biggest bean having a less than stellar day attitude wise, i trudged out to the garden and worked away...i mean really worked, and magically, all my distress seemed to burn off in the last of the days sun. it was as though the roots of all my sweet tomato plants and cucumber vines were releasing a calming vibe through the soil in between my toes and everything seemed somehow, just. better. there was sweat dripping down my face, dirt caked under all my nails, staining the heels of my feet, and my heart was pounding, full of joy, peace, and balance. it was as though somehow, this was the answer. where i needed to be...

my knee was no longer aching and my stomach seemed momentarily energy was high, and i was hopeful.

my drug....

whats yours?

*my chicks and hens..*
