says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

amidst the noise...

there has been lots of good. today i made my first trip of the season to the local garden place to marinate in all the plants and flowers and herbs and goodness. i'll tell yah, it was exactly what i needed. exactly. i needed to see all the fresh, natural, gorgeous plants just calling to me to bring them home and place them into our, i did....but i am already planing a return trip later this week.

it was such a treat. the kidlets were in tow, and actually love the place as much as i do, and it just makes it all that much more special...

otherwise things have been status quo here.

there has been moonlit playscaping...

wearing our boots in the 80 degree sun because our feet are "fricken' filthy"

there has been snack dates and lunch trips and all sorts of spring goodness....

click on this pic and look in the must...

the big man started soccer, and though i have no pics yet, as bry was working late and it was just me to wrestle with the brood, i will relay this tale...oh how i wish i had my camera handy.

toward the end of a fun practice, the coach decided that the kids would do a little scrimage. he had 6 of the children 5 boys and a girl stand in a circle around the ball, and he gave the instruction that when he blew the whistle, the children were to go after the ball and dribble it to the goal, and of course shoot. well, coach blew the whistle, and for a solid minute all 6 children stood still. not a movement. blank stares. then, the little girl, kicked the ball, took charge, and dribbled all the way to the goal. all the while, the 5 little boys, one being myles, stood still. just watching with blank stares. it was AMAZING.

i whole heartedly PROMISE to photograph next weeks practice.

happy spring y'all....

*and also, if you get a chance, send some prayers and positive our way, my grandmother is having a rough go, and we are desperately wishing her well you gram...