says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


i just need to interrupt this very productive-housewife-ish style day to say,

that waking up to "mmmmmoooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyy i neeeeeeeedddddd youuuuuuu tooooo wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipe my bummmmmmmmmmmmm," at KIND OF charming....

but when your husband rolls over and says..."i got this..."

mad brownie points pal.  i promise.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

on the brain....

saturday night.  i am home.  chaos is ensuing all around me, the beans are making lists and lists and more lists as all these stinking catalogues roll in for the holiday season,  and i am sitting here with my coffee, and pondering a venture.....

i have a friend from college...a hugely talented and beautiful woman named Natalia, who has written a cookbook...a RAW cookbook.  Thats right people....a no cook - cookbook...i know right?  

i have always been intrigued by people who can pull this off, not only because it sounds reeeeeaaalllllyyy hard, but also, because these people freakin' glow.  seriously.  their skin is flawless, and radiant, their hair looks amazing, and they just LOOK healthier than everyone else....and well, i guess i am thinkin' they must be on to SOMETHING....


yup, there is a is the thing....

i LOVE, not like, LOVE, to feed and nourish and COOK for people.  i love to spend an afternoon making a big pot of chili...or soup, or lasagna, and i like to share it with people. i really really do.  like share bring it to work and share.  

i swear in my past life i was somebody's little italian grandma who just cooked and cooked and cooked all day.  i have been like this as long as i can remember...i used to hole up in the apartment with my roomies when i was in college and bake apple pies...lots of 'em so we could share.... and, well, i am kind of addicted to that feeling...that sharing homecooked goodness feeling.  i think it actually may be a deep seeded root of who i my religeon-ish...huh. 

so, here in lies the problem....could this work for ME?? i honestly have NO idea... 

so, what to do....i am committed to at least checking it out, so i have been really thinking about what i NEED from food.  and i started to think about me, and my body, and how i feel SO much better in the summer months, as i think most of us do, because we are consuming so much good fresh produce....and how if i was gonna do this...summer would probably be a far better time then fall....which is my nesting time....but i digress....

AND,  i am not willing to be that closed minded a person...i won't do it...i figure there is no harm in just checking things out... just testing the water a touch...

supplementing what i would say is my mostly "pure" way of eating... 

maybe have a detox-ish....and eat raw for a bit...

which brings me to tonight...(the folks owning a health food store helps) i popped on over to NG and grabbed a mess of ingredients for my girl Natalia's sunny hummus - which by the way, i haven't been able to eat for TWO YEARS because i am not tolerant of chick peas unfortunately...*hummus is one of my MOST favorite foods*  let me tell you...

I -COULD-CRY.  not only is it is raw, and dreamy and soooooo freakin' easy.  i added some olives and extra garlic, and i am one happy mama over here....

so...while i am hugely undecided if i could jump in and go for it...i am very much inspired and really want to TRY this....i have been browsing  the web for tips and tricks and such, and while i am still far from convinced that i could pull this off, i really want to  check it out...and the way i see it...25% raw, is still 25%...and that my friends, is a start, right?

go, no, RUN, and check out this cookbook peeps, it is really a rockin' good time...the images are gorgeous, and inspiring, and really just make me want to totally immerse myself in RAWNESS....she offers this as an e-book type deal as well, which is pretty awesome...though i am wishing i had a hard copy of it to pour through and soak up in right now because it is just THAT GOOD.  

i will keep y'all posted....