i am all
sniffles and sneezes and snot today, so i thought maybe it would be a good time to sit down with a hot cup of coffee and daydream about all the goodz....while i listen to all the beanies and their daddy yell at the tv in the other room...which is also kinda funny....
fall is all encompassing in these here parts, and i cannot even pull the words to tell you how lovely things have been 'round here.
the trees are changing and these beans are just loving up on all of it....and me, well, i guess i am waiting for the other shoe to drop. i feel like life in general is just a giant whirlwind right now....
which brings me to today - halloween. i have been listening to a chorus of "when are we leaving" - "is it time yet" -"can we go now" and "can i have just ONE more" FOR HOURS.....my head may explode soon... (the last one was bry)
and i know halloween is an absolute favorite for lots of kids... but, my little man has, NO JOKE - been in some form of a costume, since JULY NINTH. so we knew today was gonna be one of those days, where you kinda have to look the other way and chalk it up to it not being the days we would be winning any parenting awards....
we woke up to CRAZED beans, i think there was some chocolate at the breakfast table!! , these kids were FULLY in costume by 6 o'clock, and all ready to rock out (though benji REFUSED to believe that today was actually THE DAY....) and we later overheard t explaining to the little bean that under NO circumstance do you go trick or treating without your underwear on....and i had to smile....because at that point, i figured at least one of these kids will make it outta here with some barings....(possibly two - if he decides to listen to her instead of us )
off to figure out what i will use for leverage now that halloween is almost gone....hmmmm......
hope you are all marinating in your own fall goodness....we certainly are.....