says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

buses and dormers and chaos oh my....

well folks,

it's here - school is back in sessions - for me, for myles and next week, for t girl too....

i feel like the summer went by in the blink of an eye - yet at the same time, i am so filled full with excitement for the big guy to experience school - all day school and learning and interacting, and wow - i just cannot believe that i have a big old first grader tearing it up at my place.

and so far school has more or less gone off without a hitch. we had a last minute change of babysitting arrangements - as our normal sitter bailed - BY TEXT - which is a whole other issue - but at any rate - we have worked out a wonderful situation and a girl who lives about 15 seconds down the road - that i grew up with - who watches the beans on my work days - and because she lives ON our street - no worries and no bus changes etc.

the beans love Shane, and her kiddos, and i am excited that all is running smoothly....mostly.

the events of the first three days - have been so exciting
*new teacher
*new classmates
*new lunch box
*lost new lunch box
*all day school
*bus rides to and from school
*missed bus home - and little man just was so in awe of his vice principal being able to walkie talkie the bus and "THEY CAME BACK JUST FOR ME!!" amazing - not even phased....

but he does seem to love love school - and for that i am so grateful....

i have asumed my place as president of the preschool and i have never dealt with such nonsense - seriously - you would think that we were running the country - not a small cooperative preschool. people - never agree to do this, never - not ever.

and the house as so many of you have requested pics of - continues to be a work in progress. the hubs is busting his butt, and working everyday when he gets home from work, and we are aiming to be wrapped up and happily in our new space by thanksgiving...(i know - i will start the countdown come sept.)
anyway peeps - my head is i must go -
but i promise to return soon....
peace out -
xo, a

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


we are going back to school shopping today. blech. i would give anything to see this everyday instead. so much to share, but i will be back another time to post when i am not busy trying to squeeze the life out of every second these last summer days have to offer....



Thursday, August 13, 2009

a little light and love on his rainy day

this rocks my world this morning, and makes me all sorts of smiley and giddy....

xo, a

Monday, August 10, 2009


so summer is slip sliding away - we drove down to the beach yesterday - no traffic - not even a little.  (not that i was hoping for traffic)  but summer is disappearing as we speak - and i am sad sad sad.

it has been a nice chilled summer - packed with a bit of crazy - but we like it like that.  

the house is coming along - i got to go into the addition last night for the first time, and let me tell you - my man rocks.  i am overwhelmed and excited all at the same time - and just trying to keep in perspective that sleeping amongst army guys and legos and trains and dolls is just temporary...

and the beans are great.  there has been camps, and swimming, and temper tantrums, and sticky -summerness, and squito bites, and ice cream treats, and beach toys and weeding unproductive gardens...and amazing weddings, and grilled delicious meals, and friends and family time...

so we are marveling and soaking it all up - i am planing some exciting changes and adventures around here, and i can't wait for things to take shape and transformations to begin....

* i have also been working on letting things go - taking deep breaths and letting go the anger/grudges that we all build up - and it feels pretty good - but yesterday - somebody used a pretty harsh word to describe my little man - and it cuts deep - 

now if you know my guy, you would get it if i said he was inquisitive, generous, caring, gentle, smart, serious, quirky,  like a little man child, cautious, loving, kind, and spongelike....

and he is - all of those things...and so so many more.

but the way he was described to me - was "such a nerd."  

the parent in me wanted to lose my mind, and while the source - well, it just wasn't worth it - but seriously, i cannot imagine using a word with such a negative connotation to it - directed at such a cool little guy, who looks up to everyone around him...and is so full of so much good here i am - deep breathing, and letting it go - and thinking, that a little itty bitty word, can be so ugly....if anything it made me just more aware of how totally cool he is.

oh well, thats just my rant...hope you all are enjoying the last of summer...

i am off to drop the little man at camp - 

peace out....

xo, a