says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

live laugh love.

we are good, i know i have been hushed lately - but i have been doing a lot and thinking a lot....
things have been par for course here....

so i guess a peek into our worlds...and you might see a bit of nothing and everything in between....

the beans are tremendous....all of them.

bry is amazing....and

me, well...i guess upon doing some early morning reflection and thinking....well, i am really good.

i might loose my job...but it will be okay....i am getting a pink slip with "no guarantees either way."  what the f*&k does that mean....oh well....remember i AM good.

we might start putting an addition onto the house...which is scary...but exciting...really - we met with an architect named Mr. Sweet....

we have been reuniting with some amazing peeps....which rocks...

it is almost spring...and by almost, i mean like 48 hours.  thankfreakinggod.  

april is around the corner....which means an entire month of birthday chaos, mixed in with some showers and births, and, and, and....

the seeds that have survived the wrath of benji are thriving....and the others....well, i am not ready to talk about that yet - it is just a damn good thing that he is so stinking cute.  NOT so cute while shouting "monster truck"  at the TOP OF HIS LITTLE STINKING ADORABLE LUNGS - which sounds a lot like MOTHER F*&K....great.

i have been "nominated"  prez of the preschool...i hope that it doesn' t go down like a ton of rocks because of me....yikes.

i get to wake up most mornings to benji singing twinkle DAR....(star)  or the theme song to scooby doo - which i secretly heart more than life itself because it was written in like 1969...which i guess now is vintage retro - and i love that...

i caught m humming the dead this job is done...

i am on a mission to gather some more recipes for family dinners....the thought of another taco night this month is making me gag.  any thoughts?

i remembered how much i love t's little sleepy face when she first wakes she has been sleeping just A BIT longer than me ;)

i have BIG plans in the works.... they involve A LOT of living, loving AND laughing - OUT LOUD.....oh, and blogging....more blogging....

so, we are all over the place, and,  we miss you...what's up?

what's on your agenda....