says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Saturday, December 27, 2008


a special thanks to all who have been lovin' on these beans....

we love you all so much....

christmas and hanukah were wonderful here...the kids had a wonderful week....there were new traditions coupled with some tried and true...there was lots of fabulous advice was nice.  different, but nice.  if it makes any sense at all, even with these three kidlets in tow, it still seemed quiet.

i wouldn't change a thing - for now.  here was perfect.  

but. there is more than just our little world, and i think....

i think in years to come, my hope is that there can be resolution where there needs to be, compromise where there should be, and lovins in all the right family IS important to me, to all of us...ALL of our family.

hope your holidays were wonderful...

the crew.