says who

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crazy lovin mama to three tinies - learning about the world through their delighted faces....and trying to remember to always smile through the chaos...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

if you were my neighbor....

(this face comes complete with an "oye-veigh")

the sun is out, and I finally am starting to feel like spring may be here for real this time....

we are marveling in all the warm weather that we can get our grimy little hands on, and filling every day to the fullest with as much sunshine as our big ole' eyes can take in...

we took the day yesterday to catch up on our outside time and the goodness that comes with loads of fresh air.... it was a good day, Teags, Benji and I went out to breakfast while the big guy was at school - then when it was time to get him, we came home and chilled out in the yard till auntie max got here.

the rest of the afternoon was a fresh air-loving mama's dream, we had a picnic in the driveway

auntie max and lil man diggin' into lunch

(the backyard is a mud filled mess right now, and the littlest beans were sleeping in the van - )

followed by massive amounts of tye-dying and kidlets play time.....

nothing is sweeter than an-almost 2 bean running around talking about her new tye-die shirt that is blowing in the tree!

and as the afternoon came to a close, hubs came home to me trying to get his long-time- stuck -in -the- mud- Saab- unstuck, and declared me a bonafide hippy-redneck....ahh, it's cool, i wear it proud....if there is such a thing...